
to create a more genuine world, out of love for creation.

Seal wants to bring back confidence to consumers and allow for brands to interact with their most heavily vested customers in the most direct way the internet has ever seen. Together, we build a better world in which consumers appreciate the creative work of makers and stop feeding the counterfeit economy.

$2.81 trillion

Total value of counterfeit and pirated goods

$1.244 trillion

Displacement of legitimate economic activity

$1.870 trillion

Wider economic and social costs

5.4 million jobs

Employment losses annually


scope of the problem

Loss of faith

People are losing faith in products because of counterfeiting. Low quality and dangerous products are being sold as genuine, disregarding the wellbeing and safety of others. Brands get a bad reputation because of counterfeited products and people are unable to sell their items on the secondary market. It gets more and more difficult for people to recognize counterfeits from the outside, but the quality of the products never lies.


$2.8 trillion worth of goods are being counterfeited every year. One out of five products made in China is a counterfeit. Not only clothes, shoes and bags are being counterfeited, but also airbags, airplane parts and medicine are being counterfeited. This is a huge problem for businesses, politics and people internationally.

out of love for creation

The world is full of creators: designers, scientist, programmers and makers. They dedicate their lives to bring us the best. Humbled by years of failure, driven by a dream they can’t let go, powered by force of will until one day it turns into brilliance.

It is the brand that seals it all, that connects us to the creators, captures the birth of culture, and fulfills us with originality, inspiration and quality.

But it’s an effort often overlooked trampled by an overload of fake and soulless products, making it seem normal to expect empty mediocrity in return. Now, let’s celebrate true creation, pay tributes to dedication, and enrich our lives with worthwhile brands.
